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PD Self Test - Measure your pupillary distance by yourself

Posted 3752 days ago from finestglasses

What is a Pupillary Distance Test? Also known as the PD test, it can be done by self testing yourself. It is a free process of calculating your pupil’s accurate and exact distance from each of your eyes. The process is vital for eye examinations to measure your exact eye’s distance, aiding in the fabrication of men’s/women’s/kid’s eye glasses frame so that your lens will fit correctly in seeing. This method is very useful when it comes to producing eye glasses. The online way to test your Pupillary Distance is available these days and you can even undergo the patent free try on. You can just comfortably go online and upload a full facing picture of yourself or you can use your web camera to take a snap and after which, you can easily grab the results by following the step-by-step instructions on your screen. If you have already bought eye glasses prescribed for you on the internet, you have most probably encountered this term, PD or pupil distance.

You can never undergo eye examinations without undergoing this test first. It is a standard operating procedure when it comes to eye examinations. Although you will not see the result on the prescription copy that you will receive, your result will most probably be noted and recorded. It is very important to go through this quick test. You will experience blurredness in your vision if your prescription eye glasses’ lenses are not lined up accurately with your pupils. This will result to nausea and severe headache.  If you will obtain a PD measurement result that you think is not accurate, you can just go through the swift test online again as much as you want to. It is also recommended if you are going to purchase prescription eye glasses that contain a very large amount of wrap.

The corporate with try-on system of the self test allows the patient to see how they look in various frames. This scheme includes AR or anti-reflective treatment, lenses with high index, tints, photochromics and contact lens colors. It lets you see what you look like with the economic prescription eye glasses or sunglasses you are choosing. Occasionally, your information is included in selecting your lens and if you have certain conditions and eye problems. If you are a busy person and you are always on-the-go, this virtual scheme can save a lot of your time. Even when you are in the comfort of your home, you can undergo this eye exam. You can access it anytime you want. You will be very happy if your prescription eye glass purchased online will have an accurate measurement.

If you will look on the internet for economic prescription eye glasses or sunglasses prescribed for you, you may hear other people telling you to take your own pupillary distance self test by looking in the mirror and marking each of your pupils or many other ways, but you may not get an accurate result by doing that. It is highly suggested that you take the quick and convenient hassle-free self test online.

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